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Advance Clinic of Massage & Manual Therapy
If you are tired of therapies that only give short term solutions and relief?

Advanced Clinic of Massage & Manual Therapy, is solely focused to providing the highest level of advanced myosleketal clinical type of Massage Therapy. Although the techniques of ASMT are extremely and profoundly relaxing, are whole mission is to providing therapies that focus on a medical, clinical setting to treating the most advanced of chronic, sports and postural pain.


ASMT is my creation of almost 30 years working as an RMT, and training with Manual and Osteopath Therapy. Creating a profound, powerful and painless techniques, that is distinctive, transforming, and aligning that gives you lasting results from the very first treatment.



ACMMT opens its doors, welcoming all patients to discovering the powerful method called ASMT, that is both painless, powerful and incredibly effective in treating the most advanced, painful, chronic, spinal disbalances, deformities, injuries and pain.
Come and visit ACMMT, where skills and experience are combined to treating all chronic pains and injuries, in a manner that is effective, knowledgeable and efficient.

What we do?
Massage & Manual Therapy
Specializing in Scoliosis Dysfunctions & Deformities
Ricardo Guerrero
Massage & Manual Therapist

Ricardo, is a graduate of the Mount Royal College Massage Program, and has over 30 some years working in all things relating to massage, manual and osteopath therapy. Like all therapists who seek the never ending path to self improvement, greater knowledge and technical challenges, he has moved on to becoming an author, conference speaker, clinical supervisor and inventing his own manner to doing therapy that incorporates all of the sciences of Orthopedic Massage, Manual and Osteopath therapy into his own unique style and technique called ASMT.
Competing at the elite level of running for over 20 years, only increased his knowledge to understanding in greater detail his unshakable discipline and curiosity for all things to do with the body, movement, body mechanics, techniques and anatomy.
Combining Massage therapy with his running disciplines, he has cultivated his many years as a therapist, athletes and practitioner, to becoming an instructor of Massage / Manual therapy at all levels of teaching, and presently is clinical supervisor at The Canadian Institute of Chinese Medicine, here in Calgary.
I love being a therapist, as it has taught me things of how the body works, functions and moves, in a way I would not have imagined at one time. Being a therapist has been most definitely a rewarding career, teaching me so much about life, myself and human behavior along the way.
Being a practicing therapist for so many years of my life, has allowed me to practice, create and invent my own unique techniques that are incredibly effective to treating almost all muscular/postural/skeletal pathologies in a very fast and effective manner.

Ricardo Guerrero